starting from 2020
Social media and food consumer behavior
Unfolding consumer purchase intentions toward genetically modified rice with nutritional benefits in Bangladesh
Supporting vulnerable families’ meal practices
From Niche to Noteworthy
How a health goal activation drives the Nutri-Score effect
Home-delivered meal boxes in a family setting
Consumer preferences towards plant-based, hybrid and cultivated meat analogues offered in different meal contexts and at various consumption moments
ABC-training as a new intervention for hazardous alcohol drinking: Two proof-of-principle randomized pilot studies
[NL] Ontwikkeling en uitrol van CO-MEET
Determinants of healthy and sustainable food choices in parents with a higher and lower socioeconomic status
Food Media and Dietary Behavior in a Belgian Adult Sample
Products in disguise
Does a single consumption imagery event increase food desire?
Food on the Move
The effect of perspectives in food pictures on unhealthy food choices
A systematic review investigating successful behavior change methods and strategies to reduce animal-based protein consumption
The impact of the Nutri-Score nutrition label on perceived healthiness and purchase intentions
If you work it, flaunt it
Qualitative evaluation of the STOEMP network in Ghent
Healthy advertising coming to its senses